Sunday, August 24, 2008

Respond to the learning style analysis

Explain Test Results:

My test result shows my learning style as the following:

Visual: 12 out of 20

Social: 12 out of 20

Physical: 9 out of 20

Aural: 11 out of 20

Verbal: 3 out of 20;

Solitary: 10 out of 20

Logical: 10 out of 20

As my result shows, I learn best when I can see the things I'm learning, or I studey with a group. My weakness of learning is verbal, I am not good at memorizing vocabulary.

Explain if you agree with this result:

Yes, I agree with this result. I think this test is really accurate because based on other similar test I did before, the results were all about the same: They say I learn best when I can see the material or with a group of people, and the weakness of my learning is vocabulary; I always have trouble learning the vocabs.

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