Thursday, August 28, 2008


1. What is an heirloom and how does Reema Keswani’s presentation connect to the topic of family heirlooms?
Heirloom, according to the online dictionary, is “a family possession handed down from generation to generation. ( In Reema’s presentation, she connects to family heirloom by mentioning how the wealthy pass down their jewelry in India.

2. List 10 or more ideas for family heirlooms in your family
In my family, we only have one family heirloom, because it was my great grandfather who first set foot in Taiwan. The heirloom is the Chinese sword that my great grandparents owned. My great grandmother used to practice martial arts using swords, and it’s passed down to my grandmother and in the future, it will be passed down to my dad and then me.

3. After reading “The Inheritance of Tools”, post your thoughts on how effectively the author conveys the importance of the hammer as a family heirloom in his life.
The author first tells the reader how and why he/she got the hammer; later on the author describes the history of the hammer. Staring with his grandfather, the author talked about how his grandfather enlarged his house using the hammer. Then, the author talked how his father used the hammer and how the hammer created a huge impact on him as it helped him changed his way of viewing the world as well as his father’s teachings.

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