Thursday, August 28, 2008

After Reading of La Relacion

1. Average. I rate him average because he made both a good decision and a bad one. Let’s start with the good decision. The author, as the leader of the group of explores, represents the group when they encountered the natives. He did the right thing of speaking for the group instead of sending someone else to communicate with the natives. On the other hand, the author should have listened to the group’s decision when deciding if they want to move to the native’s village: the natives might kill them as human scarify. He risked the whole group’s lives by stubbornly following his decision. That is why I rated him average.
2. I might have armed myself when I first encounter the Indians. For sure, I wouldn’t behave as the author did.
3. He’s a man of independence and exploration—he bravely followed his decisions by making friends with the natives and trusting them, despite his crew members didn’t want him to do so; as well, he didn’t show that he was afraid when he encountered the natives, even though they met the group of explores with weapons.
4. I think he means that the white men were getting fat after they settled down in the New World, because there was no more shortage of food.
5. Similarity: The natives are all kind and friendly to the Europeans.
Difference: In “Before They Got Thick”, the natives have thought about killing them (the white), in addition, the native did not show any trace of kindness and friendliness at the beginning when the Europeans got off the ship.
6. The whites settled in the New World, and the natives treated the white as if they were brothers.
7. Fear. People would not know the strangers motivation of entering your world, and they don’t know how to react to the new comers.

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