Monday, August 18, 2008

Only Goodness

Identify 3 key excerpts/quotations which stand out for some reason: Read each and share your thoughts.
“For years they had been compared to other Bengali children, told about gold medals brought back from science fairs, colleges that offered full scholarships.” (P129)

This quote reminds me of education around the world. We have a myth that the more gold we win from competitions, the better. It seems like we are competing for that piece of gold instead for our own behalf and fun. I still remember our basketball coach Mr. Greenstone used to tell us to “enjoy the game” and “have some fun”. He gave us the belief that winning or losing a game is not important, but to enjoy the game is. I believe that same thing applies to our lives. We should “enjoy” our life, not trying to “win” everything.

“But Rahul did not behave as if he were being either abandoned or liberated. He pocketed the money their father counted out and gave him as they parted, and he turned back toward his dormitory before Sudha and her parents had pulled away.” (P130)
Rahul’s plain expression gives me the feeling that he doesn’t really care about his family. If he really cares about his family and love his family, he won’t “behave as if he were being either abandoned or liberated.” He will at least show some feelings. This implies me that Rahul is tired of his life at home, and he already lost his purpose motive for life because to him, his parents already plan out his life for him, and all he has to do is to follow the plan.

“‘That’s the problem with this country,’ her mother said. ‘Too many freedoms, too much having fun. When we were young, life wasn’t always about fun.’” (P143)
This quotation stands out because this is what I agree with. I think today’s society, in both Taiwan and USA, is giving too many freedoms to people. People believe that they have the right to do whatever they want, because the law gives them the right and freedom to do so. They hold the opinion that they can do anything they want as they please, because the law granted them the right to do so. And by doing whatever they want, the people created lots of problems in society. Therefore, I think that the amount of freedom in society should be limited or reduced.

Plan 5-10 open-ended questions with follow-up questions to ask your classmates in the large circle (all of these questions must require at least a 20 word response from your classmates)
-Do you think that it is Sudha's fault that Rahul begins to drink? Why or why not?
-As Sudha's mother said in page 143, "That's the problem with this country. Too many freedoms, too much having fun." Do you agree with this quotation? Explain your reasoning.
-Do you think Rahul will quit drinking in the end, why or why not?

Comment on what you believe to be the message(s) of the story.
I think there are 2 messages in this story.
The author writes this story to express her concern about teenagers' drinking problem; she hopes readers take Rahul's example as a warning and as a bad example, she hopes that people can stop giving teenagers alcohols.
Another message the author delivers through the story is her hope for a change in our society. She thinks teenagers are given too many freedoms, and they are using their freedoms to do whatever they want, which is getting out of control.
By writing this story, the author hopes to help change teenagers' drinking problem and the freedom they receive.

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